Our Mission
Commercial Strength
Flair shipping is handling a sizeable volume of Export & Import to and from various destinations and is still increasing in a rapid pace. Flair Shipping is enjoying very competitive rates for exports from UAE market..
Our prime sectors for Export & Imports are -
USA | East & West Med. | North West Continent. | UK |
Africa. | Far & South East Asia | Upper/Lower Gulf | India & Pakistan |
Knowledgeable & Proficient office staff. Self motivated & Goal Oriented Marketing & Sales team. Good Contact with Project Owner & EPC contractors. Update & Monitoring of Projects and Business Trend. Regular Market update, Sales Leads & Cargo Nominations. Flair Shipping Has excellent infrastructure for handling various types of cargo. Have skilled and well experienced human resource to handle the complete operations line multi mode transport shipments, devanning, cross stuffing, transshipment procedures, customs & ports procedure etc. Have excellent relations with the ports and customs authorities in UAE. Is registered with the ports & customs. Takes care of all the need for the logistics and distribution on behalf of our customers within UAE and other GCC countries like Doha, Kuwait, Muscat and Saudi Arabia etc. Co-ordinate & Promote Marketing Efforts by Overseas Visits.
Financial Strength
Flair Shipping has an excellent reputation in the UAE market with all the customers, bankers
and shipping lines.
Our bankers are -
Emirates NBD & RAK Bank, Dubai.
We have US$ as well as Euro account for the convenience of our agents and overseas customers
for transfer of funds.
We are a group company in UAE which encompasses Trading, Manufacturing
Service Industries.
Flair shipping is well entrenched in the UAE market with strong financial back ground.